Our value
Vegan - Cruelty Free - Pregnancy safe- suitable for all hair type
نباتي - خالي من القسوة - آمن للحوامل و المرضعات - آمن للاطفال فوق 3 سنوات - مناسب لجميع أنواع الشعر
which product for me?
Scalp problem
If you have : Greasy hair , dead skin and dandruff , itching.
You must try our Scalp scrub who is 6 in 1 and will help you to have a healthy scalp.
Dry length
If you have dry and damaged length first we will recommend to cut often every 2 to 3 month to prevent breakage.
If they are dry that means they need more moisturizing and to be deeply nourishes.
You will also need to strengthens your hair.
Don't worry we have an 6 in 1 oil to help you with all length problem.
Hair loss
Hair loss is the most "trending" hair care problem why? Covid-19 have a bad effect on our health and also on the hair..
Yes , after search Doctors found many group of Women/ Men get a huge hair loss after get the covid.
Don't worry we have the right product for you! Why is the Bpousse so nice? He will stop hair fall AND strengthen your hair.
Need more length and volume
To get more length and volume you will need our Bpousse it's our best-seller for almost 7 year.
Why is it strong?
It's 100% natural , plant based infused in rose water that means leave an amazing light rose smell on your hair.
4 in 1 : more length , volume and strenght and less hair loss.
Why he is special ? He is WATER based that means you don't need to rinse it only used on the scalp and it will dry.
New collection
Get your dream hair.
Oil shampoo serum hair toner and much more to help you to achieve your hair goal.
Start you new hair routine now!
About us
Delivery on all golf country.
You can pay with :
Cash on delivery
Bank transfer
Result depends on how many time you use our product and if you use them correctly please check Discover section for tutorial and full description of product.
We choose natural hair care and skin care.
Because it's suitable for all ; men children and also safe for pregnancy and breastfeeding.
Can be used on all hair type.
Our product are also made to help you to achieve your hair goal , with chemical product after few month your hair will become dry , start hair loss.